Thursday, June 22, 2017

Willy 2/4/03-5/3/17

We lost our precious boy Lil Willy Peno last month. We all took it hard. Especially Rocco, he was inconsolable.  It has been so hard. We put Willy's collar on a stuffed animal, so when we close our eyes we can hear him. There are signs from him everywhere. We see rabbits EVERYWHERE, and in the clouds--I swear I saw him running on the night he passed in the clouds. He is dearly missed.

Summer 2017

It is SUMMER! And we are having so much fun. (well, besides the non listening from the dynamic duo).
The biggest news is the boys got BIKES! I mean real, bikes! 18inchers. Dom originally had a smaller bike-he told me that the big bike "I felt like I was going to die!"
But the training wheels kept bending, so we exchanged it for a matching one to Rocco's. Dom had a rougher time learning to ride it, but I think it had to do with the first bike he had. Rocco got on the bike in Toys R Us and was off. No practice needed.
They love to ride their bikes.
We are having an OLD SCHOOL Summer, the Ipads have gone away. and it is FUN to dig in the dirt, play outside, swim and be kids.
He is in special needs summer school for SPD. He receives his therapies (speech, OT, social work). We just found out his GF Abby, from Mini School lives around the corner from us. They were inseparable in mini school. If we ask him who is gf is, he says Abby.

He is Literacy Camp at District 62 for the second year. He eats lunch with his friends and goes Mon and Wed. He loves to play with the girls next door and is always seeking to play with other kids. Dom has met all of his goals for school and will continue in a blended classroom.

This girl! She just started saying "wawa" and "deeda". She says Ya and no too, She has a temper.....and does not like to sit in her high chair. Analisa is INTO everything!!!!!