Monday, November 16, 2015

Baby #3 growth scan

We had baby girl Caputo's growth scan ultrasound today. She looks great! Measuring one week larger (which is small compared to roc and Dom). Baby girl wouldn't give us a clear view of her face! She is stubborn! 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

2015 Christmas Decorating

Dominick and I started Christmas decorations this weekend. I know it's early....but I have to work at the lubrary next weekend and I need nick home to help with the boxes/boys. Dominick has been excellent at decoration and very proud.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Chocolate sauce

Someone got into the chocolate sauce. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Rough Days

People warned me that having babies so close together would be hard. And it is. Today was a trying day. Dominick, my gorgeous blue eyed head strong child ran out into the backyard in just a shirt (no underwear or pants), and would not come back I was screaming like a lunatic---was cold this morning. We then took a walk and Rocco, my beautiful hazel eyed curly haired stubborn lars ran into the middle of the street--thank goodness there were no cars. I was insanely trying to get to him screaming, running and our guardian angel--a young man ran to him and grabbed him before he climbed up super steep stairs.Then Dominick and Rocco ran away from me in the front yard and Dom was throwing dirt at Rocco; Rocco was covered in it by the time I finally got them inside. After a lot of screaming Domi went in the house to wash himself off and I was left to chase Rocco. Rocco head dived into the play house and I had to drag him out by his chubby little legs, he also lost a shoe in the intense running around the back yard. Then Domi threw a bag of blocks at Mormor's face. Both in major trouble. Today, was one of those days. A lot of screaming, a lot of tears and frustration. Motherhood is not easy. Having two boys apart is not for the faint hearted. One day you will read this, and just know Dom and Rocco, I love you. I love you more than life itself. You two (and baby sister) are the best things that ever have happened to me. You all MADE my life. So I may be yelling a lot lately, and you may not be listening, but I know how much we love each other and I know you know it too.

Thursday, November 5, 2015


Rocco's words

The Rocco will be 2years old next month. Our little Christmas baby! He is talking in two word sentences. And he has to do exactly as Dominick does! He is very smart and very funny.

Deeda (Dominick)
Mo (more)
GogGog (hotdog)
gogo (car)
nigh night
ge down (get down)
ehhh (yes)
puple (purple)
boo (blue)
bowk (block)
I do
Ba (bottle)
Ba (ball)
Moo (cow)
Weeweey (willy)
lurie lurie lurie (any animal)
meo mew (cat)
mmmmmm (kiss)
Ba (blanket)
Book (yulbuk)
hewo (hello)
bye bye
ca (toot)
Gabaguk (garbage truck)
GABA gee (digger)
Go da da (a lot of different things...)
Goo (good)
Baba (Barbra)
Zuzu (ZOE)

Baby 3 Move

Baby #3 is a little girl. I am 19weeks and 5 days. Today is the first day, that I actually felt her move!!! 11/5/15